Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education: Securing the Right to education: advances and critical challenges

In her first report to the Human Rights Council, 25 years after the establishment of the mandate on the right to education, the Special Rapporteur reviews achievements, particularly on how the right to education is understood today and the obligations it entails, as well as contemporary and emerging issues that need to be considered to ensure the right to education for all, today and in the future.



European Committee of Social Rights: Statement on COVID-19 and social rights

The COVID-19 pandemic and the responses of States thereto have had a very significant impact on the enjoyment of a wide range of social rights. The Council of Europe’s European Social Charter provides a framework for the measures that must be taken by States Parties to cope with the pandemic as it unfolds. The treaty also provides a necessary framework for the post-pandemic social and economic recovery as well as for preparation for and responses to possible future crises of this nature.

Human Right to education: horizons and meanings in the post-pandemic

Latin America in movement cover

The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE, by its Spanish acronym) is a pluralistic network of civil society organizations with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilization and political advocacy to defend the human right to education. This collection of articles, essays and statements reflect on the vital role of public education in the region and the fault lines exposed by the pandemic, considering both the challenges public education in Latin America faces and possible solutions, alternatives and ways forward.

International Women’s Day 2021: We #ChoosetoChallenge states on the right to education of girls and women

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Choose to Challenge’. The Right to Education Initiative is proud to support International Women’s Day - and we wish to mark it this year with a celebration of our own situation, enjoying a team which has newly expanded to include women based all over the world

8 March 2021

Informe del Relator Especial : Hacer realidad el derecho a la educación a través de la educación no formal

En este informe, la Relatora Especial explique que los programas de enseñanza no académica ofrecen fórmulas flexibles y centradas en los estudiantes para mejorar los resultados de la educación. Ello es particularmente importante para las niñas y los grupos que se hallan en situación vulnerable, como los niños con discapacidad, las minorías y los niños de las zonas rurales y empobrecidas, que constituyen un porcentaje excesivo de la población no escolarizada.

Rapport du Rapporteur Spécial sur le droit à l'éducation : Réaliser le droit à l'éducation à travers l'éducation non formelle

Dans ce rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale explique que les programmes d’enseignement non formel offrent des moyens souples et centrés sur l’apprenant pour améliorer les résultats dans le domaine de l’éducation. Ces programmes sont particulièrement utiles dans le cas des filles et des groupes vulnérables, notamment des enfants handicapés, des enfants issus de minorités, ainsi que des enfants vivant en milieu rural ou dans la pauvreté, qui sont surreprésentés dans la population non scolarisée.

Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education : Realizing the right to education through non-formal education

In this report, the Special Rapporteur shows that non-formal education programmes provide flexible, learner-centred means to improve education outcomes. This is particularly relevant for girls and groups in vulnerable situations, including children with disabilities, minorities and rural and impoverished children, who are disproportionately represented among out-ofschool populations. When designed to be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable, such programmes enable States to fulfil the right to education of learners who are excluded from the formal system.

Rapporteur des Nations Unies sur le droit à l'éducation: L'éducation des filles

Ce rapport met l'accent sur l'éducation primaire pour tpous et sur l'égalité des sexes. Il examine le contexte socioculturel de la discrimination sexiste après avoir défini la notion de patriarcat, qui sous-tend les comportements discriminatoires. Il dénonce les effets négatifs sur l'éducation, en particulier l'éducation des filles, qui serait toujours considérée comme un service et non comme un droit fondamental. Le rapport souligne ensuite qu'il importe de faire en sorte que les filles aient accès à l'école, mais aussi quéelles achèvent les cycles d'éducation.
