Unaccompanied minors out of school: France must act to protect and grant them access to education

The beginning of the school year is approaching and unaccompanied minors are left behind and  will not be able to enrol school on 1 September. Below is an update on the current situation that threatens to leave many migrants out of school.

28 August 2020

Migrant youth in France face administrative battle to finish their education

In France, the health crisis has exacerbated the educational exclusion of young foreign adults. For many, this period has made it impossible to go through all the administrative procedures necessary for their regularisation. This situation receives very little attention and the French educational community and civil society are working hard to highlight this administrative gap that compromises the right to education of so many migrant youth.

4 August 2020

La Politique Publique d'Education en France et en Colombie

"La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à une comparaison synchronique portant sur l’histoire et les fondements du droit à l’éducation, ainsi que sur les composantes du droit à l’éducation (disponibilité, accès, permanence, acceptabilité, adaptabilité et qualité de celle-ci) et la manière dont ils ont été traduits dansla législation interne actuelle.
