Realizing the right to education in Egypt: an assessment of primary education in relation to international standards

The right to education in international human rights law is contained in number of international treaties. The most comprehensive coverage of the right is found within the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) under articles 13 and 14. The primary level of education is an essential and integral phase in the development of a child, without the right to education children are unable to realize other rights.

Keynote Presentation on Rights through Education at CEDAW Half-Day General Discussion on Girls' and Women’s Right to Education

On 7 July 2014, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) held a General Discussion on the Right to Education for Girls and Women, the aim of which is to commence the Committee’s process of elaborating a “General Recommendation on girls’/women’s right to education.” Angela Melchiorre, who is Right to Education Project adviser, gave a keynote presentation on rights through education.

Training Module on Privatisation and the Right to Education: Notes

This two-days training module seeks to uncover how the right to education may be impacted by privatisation and explores methods for challenging privatisation that negatively impacts education rights. This document serves as the facilitator’s main module notes and should be used with the presentation slides. It contains a session-by-session breakdown of activities, including presentations, discussion questions, and group exercises. At the end of this session participants will have gained an awareness of:

Beyond Statistics: Measuring Education as a Human Right - Reflections

In July 2010, the Right to Education Project convened a consultative workshop, Beyond statistics: measuring education as a human right, with the aim to explore reactions from human rights, development and education experts on its set of indicators and its use in the field. This document presents the reflections and comments that emerged from the consultation.

Measuring Education as a Human Right - List of Indicators

The Right to Education Initiative (RTE) developed over 200 indicators, based on international human rights law, intended to be used as a tool to evaluate States’ progress towards the full realisation of the right to education, to identify violations of the right to education, and to enable civil society to hold governments to account for their obligations regarding education.  The indicators serve as a foundation for RTE’s work – both as a means for promoting monitoring and advocacy with civil society and as a tool that is imbedded throughout RTE’s work more generally.
