Un bon départ - Education et protection de la petite enfance

Ce rapport se concentre sur l'objectif d'Education des premières années, qui a pour principal enjeu d'encourager les Etats à mettre en place des mesures et des moyens pour élargir l'accès à l'Education et protection de la petite enfance, en se fondant sur une approche holistique, qui prend en considération les soins, la santé, la nutrition et bien sur l'éducation. 

Bright and Early: How Financing Pre-Primary Education Gives Every Child a Fair Start in Life.

This paper shows that pre-primary education has not yet achieved the level of priority necessary in domestic policies and budgets, with nearly all low-income countries dedicating less than 5 per cent of their education budgets to pre-primary education. The most disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable, who stand to gain the most from investments in pre-primary education, are frequently left behind.

Global education monitoring report 2020: Inclusion and education: All means all

In line with its mandate, the 2020 GEM Report assesses progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and its ten targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. The Report also addresses inclusion in education, drawing attention to all those excluded from education, because of background or ability. The Report is motivated by the explicit reference to inclusion in the 2015 Incheon Declaration, and the call to ensure an inclusive and equitable quality education in the formulation of SDG 4, the global goal for education.

Annual report 2019

The Right to Education Initiative's Annual Report 2019 includes information about us, the activities we have undertaken as well as our key achievements and impacts in our thematic areas: Privatisation and human rights; Monitoring of the right to education; and the right to education of migrants.

Rapporteuse Spéciale sur le droit à l'éducation: Rapport sur les droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement

Ce rapport a été publié en Juillet 2020 par la Rapporteuse Spéciale sur le droit à l’éducation, Koumbou Boly Barry.  

L’obligation qu’ont les États de veiller à ce que les établissements d’enseignement relevant de leur juridiction respectent les normes relatives aux droits humains exige une bonne compréhension des synergies qui existent entre le droit à l’éducation et les autres droits de la personne, ainsi que des moyens de promouvoir davantage l’intégration de ces droits dans les pratiques. 

Special Rapporteur on the right to education: report on the rights of water and sanitation

The report was published in July 2020 by the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Koumbou Boly Barry. 

The obligation of States to ensure that educational facilities within their jurisdictions meet human rights standards requires a clear understanding of the synergies between the right to education and other human rights, and ways of further promoting the integration of those rights into practices. 
