The persistence of poverty: how real equality can break the vicious cycles - Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

This report, presented to the 76th session of the General Assembly in October 2021, examines the channels through which poverty is perpetuated, in the areas of health, housing, education and employment. The growth of inequalities itself is an important contributing factor: the more unequal societies are, the less they allow for social mobility. The report argues that ending the vicious cycles of poverty is within reach.

L’enseignement supérieur en France : un droit menacé face aux inégalités croissantes ?

L’Enseignement Supérieur français est-il vraiment accessible à toutes et tous, sans discrimination ? Quels sont les impacts de la privatisation croissante de l’Enseignement Supérieur sur le droit à l'accès à l’enseignement supérieur et à un enseignement de qualité pour toutes et tous ? 

Thrive, not survive: a review of economic, social and cultural rights in the UK. A report for Just Fair.

This brief will primarily be used by Just Fair and other NGOs across the UK to inform their approach to the seventh periodic review of the UK by the CESCR. The first part analyses the concerns repeatedly raised in the UK’s six Concluding Observations from 1980 to 2016 on its implementation of ICESCR’s substantive rights.

GEM Report 2021/2: non-state actors in education: who chooses? who loses?

Non-state actors’ role extends beyond provision of schooling to interventions at various education levels and influence spheres. Alongside its review of progress towards SDG 4, including emerging evidence on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact, the 2021/2 Global Education Monitoring Report urges governments to see all institutions, students and teachers as part of a single system. Standards, information, incentives and accountability should help governments protect, respect and fulfil the right to education of all, without turning their eyes away from privilege or exploitation.

Free to Think 2021: Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project

Around the world, higher education communities are overwhelmed by frequent attacks on scholars, students, staff, and their institutions. State and non-state actors, including armed militant and extremist groups, police and military forces, government authorities, off-campus groups, and even members of higher education communities, among others, carry out these attacks, which often result in deaths, injuries, and deprivations of liberty.

El financiamiento educativo y justicia fiscal: un acercamiento al tema en América Latina y el Caribe

En los países latinoamericanos, la necesidad de disponer de recursos adicionales para financiar los servicios sociales, la infraestructura y la inversión educativa ponen de manifiesto la urgencia de vincular fiscalidad y educación en las discusiones sobre las políticas públicas.

Repenser nos futurs ensemble : un nouveau contrat social pour l'éducation

L’avenir de l’humanité sur la planète est, nous le savons aujourd’hui, compromis. La pandémie a eu au moins le mérite de démontrer combien nos existences sont fragiles et combien nos destins sont inextricablement liés. Il est nécessaire et urgent désormais, d’agir collectivement pour changer de cap et réinventer notre avenir. Dans ce tournant, l’éducation jouera un rôle crucial pour sa capacité, universellement reconnue, à provoquer le changement.

Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education

Our humanity and planet Earth are under threat. The pandemic has only served to prove our fragility and our interconnectedness. Now urgent action, taken together, is needed to change course and reimagine our futures. This report by the International Commission on the Futures of Education acknowledges the power of education to bring about profound change.

Global Partnership Strategy for early childhood, 2021-2030

The efficient design and delivery of early childhood policies and services are critical to ensuring long-term learning opportunities and improved learning, behaviour, employment, and health outcomes amongst individuals. Research in neuroscience, developmental psychology and cognitive science has revealed that quality early childhood education, supportive communities and a positive family environment serve as important building blocks to promote healthy development amongst infants and toddlers.
