Cómo Exigir los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales de las Mujeres


Las vidas de las mujeres se ven afectadas por una gran variedad de temas, tales como la frecuente falta de servicios básicos; la desigualdad formal y sustantiva; la falta de responsabilidad de los Estados, las empresas y otros actores globales; los estereotipos culturales discriminatorios; las creencias y el impacto de las prácticas nocivas, y el desarrollo de programas que no consideran los derechos y las experiencias de las mujeres y las diferencias entre ellas.

Faire valoir les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels des femmes


Les vies des femmes sont touchées par une myriade de questions telles que l'absence fréquente de services de base; l'inégalité; le manque de responsabilité des Etats, des entreprises et d'autres acteurs mondiaux ; les stéréotypes culturels discriminatoires, les croyances et l'impact de pratiques néfastes; les fondamentalismes religieux et les programmes de développement qui excluent l'examen des droits et expériences des femmes et les différences entre les femmes.

Guide: Claiming Women's ESC Rights Using OP-CEDAW and OP-ICESCR

Women’s lives are impacted by a myriad of issues such as the frequent lack of basic services; inequality; lack of accountability of States, corporations and other global actors; discriminatory cultural stereotypes, beliefs and the impact of harmful practices; religious fundamentalisms and development agendas which exclude consideration of the rights and experiences of women and differences between women.

Fight­ing to Learn… A Legal Resource for Real­is­ing the Right to Edu­ca­tion

South Africa is in the unique posi­tion of hav­ing the right to edu­ca­tion guar­an­teed in the Con­sti­tu­tion. The law has been used to advance this right by trans­lat­ing what is on paper into a real­ity for thou­sands of learn­ers across the coun­try. The LRC and part­ners have been at the fore­front of civil soci­ety efforts in achiev­ing this. We wanted to share our suc­cesses.

Una Guía sobre el Convenio No 169 de la ILO: Los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Trib ales en la Práctica

El objeto principal de este guía es proporcionar una herramienta practica para la implementación de los derechos indígenas a los Gobiernos,  Indígenas y Tribales, trabajadores y empleadores de organizaciones, basándose en la experiencia, buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas que fueron generados hasta ahora.

El capítulo 10 (paginas 128-136) concierne a la educación


The African Regional Human Rights System

This training manual explores the origins of the African regional human rights mechanisms. It elaborates the normative framework and rights recognised in the regional human rights treaties in the region. It also focuses on how to use these monitoring and enforcement mechanisms and some of the challenges faced in doing so. This is a learning tool for human rights defenders, and especially trainers from the region interested in conducting training on human rights.

Economic and Social Rights in the Courtroom: A Litigator's Guide to Using Equality and Non-Discrimination Strategies to Advance Economic and Social Rights

The Guide identifies equality and non-discrimination strategies that NGOs, lawyers and activists may employ in seeking to advance economic and social rights (ESRs) before courts. It is also accompanied by an online Compendium of useful cases in which equality and non-discrimination concepts and approaches have been employed to advance ESRs.
