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See also our list of useful databases for information on the implementation of the right to education at national level.
In her first report to the Human Rights Council, 25 years after the establishment of the mandate on the right to education, the Special Rapporteur reviews achievements, particularly on how the right to education is understood today and the obligations it entails, as well as contemporary and emerging issues that need to be considered to ensure the right to education for all, today and in the future.
In her 2022 Report on the impact of the digitalisation of education on the right to education, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education clarified that any introduction of digital technologies in education must be framed around the right of every person to public, free, quality education and the commitments of states in this regard both under international human rights law and Sustainable Development Goal 4. This paper affirms that state obligations under the human rights framework must be the starting point for assessing and responding to discussions related to the monitoring of children’s activities and the collection and use of their data in the field of education. Part 2 outlines the international and regional human rights legal framework that governs the relationship between technology and education, providing a baseline upon which states can verify compliance with international human rights law and useful guidance for anyone seeking to understand the impacts of existing and emerging educational products and services. Part 3 then provides a comparative analysis of the regulation of technology and education in ten countries, through an examination of current data protection, education and related legislation, for the purpose of understanding how different countries are paying attention to and addressing key human rights issues with regards to technology in education in practice.
Background paper to 2023 UNESCO GEM Report 'Technology in education: a tool on whose terms?'
El presente informe de la Experta Independiente sobre el disfrute de los derechos humanos de las personas con albinismo, Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond, se ha elaborado en cumplimiento de las resoluciones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos 28/6 y 46/12. Se centra en el derecho a la educación de las personas con albinismo y sus experiencias en diferentes regiones.
Le présent rapport de l’Experte indépendante sur l’exercice des droits de l’homme par les personnes atteintes d’albinisme, Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond, est soumis en application des résolutions 28/6 et 46/12 du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Il porte sur le droit à l’éducation des personnes atteintes d’albinisme et sur le quotidien de ces personnes dans différentes régions.
The present report of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism, Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond, is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 28/6 and 46/12. The report focuses on the right to education for persons with albinism and their experiences in different regions.
The right to education and lifelong learning is at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development because education, knowledge and learning are central to the dignity, growth and development of the individual. For centuries, education has been the great equalizer, a driving force of nation-building, and the engine of social, cultural, economic and technological progress. Today, however, beset by twin crises of equity and relevance, education as we know it is no longer fit for purpose.
Building on the Transforming Education Summit and the report of the International Commission on the Futures of Education, the present policy brief examines the current crisis in education in more detail and puts forward a vision and a set of guiding actions for countries and the international community to transform education. It concludes with two overarching recommendations for the consideration of Member States in their preparations for the Summit of the Future.
Ce document de recherche et d’orientation étudie certains aspects du droit à l'éducation qui pourraient nécessiter un ancrage plus solide dans le cadre normatif international et une expansion potentielle pour le 21st siècle. L'éducation numérique, la mobilité croissante des personnes, l'évolution démographique, le changement climatique et les attentes en matière de possibilités d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie ne sont que quelques-uns des domaines qui mettent à l'épreuve les limites du cadre normatif international existant. Aboutissement d'un cycle de consultations ouvertes, de séminaires et d'événements internationaux, ainsi que de recherches, ce document présente quelques-unes des tendances émergentes, des défis et des normes qui ont été discutés.
This policy-oriented research paper investigates some of the aspects of the right to education that might require a stronger footing in the international normative framework and potential expansion for the 21st century. Digital education, increasing human mobility, changing demographics, climate change, and expectations of opportunities for learning throughout life are just a few of the areas that are testing the limits of the existing international normative framework. The culmination of a round of open consultation processes, as well as international seminars and events, and research, this paper presents some of the emerging trends, challenges, and norms that have been discussed.
45 organisations de la société civile reçoivent avec inquiétude le rapport d'enquête de conformité du Bureau du conseiller-médiateur (Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, CAO) sur l'investissement de la Société financière internationale (SFI) de la Banque mondiale dans les Bridge International Academies (BIA, également connues sous le nom d'écoles NewGlobe), et reconnaissent ses graves conclusions concernant les allégations d'abus sexuels sur des enfants dans la chaîne d'écoles à but lucratif de l'entreprise au Kenya.
45 civil society organisations receive with concern the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman’s (CAO’s) Compliance Investigation Report into the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) investment in Bridge International Academies (BIA, also known as NewGlobe schools), and acknowledge its grave findings regarding allegations of child sexual abuse at the company’s for-profit chain of schools in Kenya.