This online library provides resources from the Right to Education Initiative as well as from other partner organisations. You can filter relevant resources by topic, region, country, content type and language. Note that resources in other languages will be available soon.

See also our list of useful databases for information on the implementation of the right to education at national level.

This joint statement signed by RTE and 18 CSOs responds to a report published in September 2023 by the International Development Committee (IDC) of the UK House of Commons, entitled ‘Investment for development - The UK’s Strategy towards Development Finance Initiatives. The report’ raises major concerns about the UK’s investments as part of development aid which the signatory organisations working on education share and reiterate. In this joint statement we respond to this report and express our concern about the British International Investment’s (BII) activities and impacts in key sectors responsible for delivering human rights, including education and health.

The aim of this document is to create a set of key building blocks for developing a model national regulatory framework for private schools, that can be adapted by states to their context. As such, the starting point is not a pre-determined framework, but a content analysis of provisions that exist in the laws of India’s states and union territories. At the same time, the principal suggestive frameworks for similar legislation made by principal stakeholders working on these issues from diverse ideological positions and entry points are also included. These include the FICCI Arise (from the perspective of the private schools themselves), the All India Parents’ Association (from the perspective of parents) and the NCPCR (from the perspective of children).


School meals play a critical role in children’s lives. They are an essential intervention in development and humanitarian contexts, proven to have long-lasting impacts across multiple Sustainable Development Goals and sectors, including food security, nutrition and health, education, water and sanitation, child protection, gender equality, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. They are at the juncture of the right to food, the right to health and the right to education. They also offer enormous potential for the catalysation of food systems, with nutritious, locally-grown and appropriate foods, creation of jobs and contributions towards livelihoods, among other benefits. Civil society organisations have an essential role to play in supporting school meals programmes globally through collective advocacy, technical assistance, capacity sharing and fostering partnerships. 

This joint statement contains our calls to action for equitable access to healthy and nutritious, sustainably sourced school meals.

Key resource

Education is not a privilege. It is a human right. This central tenet of international law is our foundational pillar, and guides our work as a non-governmental international human rights organisation dedicated entirely to the promotion and defence of the right to education. 

Our vision is a world in which everyone can fully enjoy the right to education in all its dimensions from birth to adulthood and throughout life, regardless of their status and circumstances, and where all human rights in and through education are respected, protected and realised. 

This document sets out our bold ambitions, and our plans for making them happen. Find out more about how we will advance the right to education in a changing world.


L'éducation n'est pas un privilège. C'est un droit de l'Homme. Ce principe central du droit international est notre pilier fondamental et guide notre travail en tant qu'organisation internationale non gouvernementale de défense des droits de l'Homme entièrement consacrée à la promotion et à la défense du droit à l'éducation. 
Notre vision est celle d'un monde dans lequel tous les individus jouir pleinement du droit à l'éducation dans toutes ses dimensions, de la naissance à l'âge adulte et tout au long de la vie, quels que soient leur statut et leur situation, et où tous les droits de l'Homme dans et par l'éducation sont respectés, protégés et réalisés. 
Ce document présente nos ambitions et nos plans pour les réaliser. Découvrez comment nous ferons progresser le droit à l'éducation dans un monde en mutation.

A statement signed by 33 organisations who are gravely concerned about the recent media report of child sexual abuse at Bridge International Academies in Kenya, and allegations that the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) for years turned a blind eye to the abuse.

Key resource

La educación no es un privilegio. Es un derecho humano. 

Este principio central del derecho internacional es nuestro pilar fundacional y guía nuestro trabajo como organización internacional no gubernamental de derechos humanos dedicada enteramente a la promoción y defensa del derecho a la educación. 

Nuestra visión es un mundo en el que todas las personas puedan disfrutar plenamente del derecho a la educación en todas sus dimensiones, desde el nacimiento hasta la edad adulta y a lo largo de toda la vida, independientemente de su condición y circunstancias, y en el que se respeten, protejan y hagan realidad todos los derechos humanos en la educación y a través de ella. 

Este documento expone nuestras ambiciones y nuestros planes para alcanzarlas. Descubre cómo haremos avanzar el derecho a la educación en un mundo cambiante.



On 11 October 2023, the Africa Group at the United Nations tabled a proposal calling for a comprehensive UN tax convention. Now, over 200 organisations and trade unions, among them RTE, have sent a letter to governments calling for the adoption of the Africa Group’s resolution, and stressing that this issue should be treated as a matter of highest priority and urgency.

Key resource

Our 2021 Annual Report includes information about our strategy, our team and our supporters, and details activities and key achievements throughout the year. 

Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our donors, to whom we are immensely grateful. 
