This document lists the international instruments that refer to the minimum age of marriage with their relevant provisions.
Este documento enumera los instrumentos internacionales que se refieren a la edad mínima para contraer matrimonio con sus disposiciones pertinentes.
This document lists the international instruments that refer to the minimum age of employment with their relevant provisions.
Este documento enumera los instrumentos internacionales que se refieren a la edad mínima para trabajar con sus disposiciones pertinentes.
Este documento enumera los instrumentos internacionales que se refieren a la edad mínima de responsabilidad penal con sus disposiciones pertinentes.
This document lists the international instruments that refer to the minimum age of military recruitment with their relevant provisions.
This document lists the international instruments that refer to education financing with their relevant provisions.
This document lists the international instruments that protect the right to education in emergencies.
This document lists the international instruments that refer to educational freedom with their relevant provisions.
Este documento enumera los instrumentos internacionales que se refieren a la libertad de enseñanza con sus disposiciones pertinentes.