In this case, ISER successfully petitioned the High Court seeking declarations to the effect that the government policy on public financing of secondary education in Uganda infringes on the rights to; equality and non – discrimination; and quality education as guaranteed under Articles 21; and 30 and 34(2) of the Constitution respectively. The court directed that; government must ensure equity for all children in the design and implementation of education programs; and that government should take its lead position in regulating private involvement in education to ensure adherence to minimum standards – in doing so, it should make good use of the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of states to provide public education and regulate private involvement in education to offer the necessary guidance. ISER successfully petitioned the High Court seeking declarations to the effect that the government policy on public financing of secondary education in Uganda infringes on the rights to; equality and non – discrimination; and quality education as guaranteed under Articles 21; and 30 and 34(2) of the Constitution respectively. The court directed that; government must ensure equity for all children in the design and implementation of education programs; and that government should take its lead position in regulating private involvement in education to ensure adherence to minimum standards – in doing so, it should make good use of the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of states to provide public education and regulate private involvement in education to offer the necessary guidance.
In this report, the Special Rapporteur looks with concern at the rapid increase in the number of private education providers and the resulting commercialization of education, and examines the negative effects of this on the norms and principles underlying the legal framework of the right to education as established by international human rights treaties. He highlights the repercussions of privatization on the principles of social justice and equity and analyses education laws as well as evolving jurisprudence related to privatization in education.
Finally, he offers a set of recommendations on developing effective regulatory frameworks for controlling private providers of education and safeguarding education as a public good.
Dans ce rapport, le Rapporteur spécial note avec préoccupation la multiplication rapide du nombre d’établissements d’enseignement privés et la commercialisation de l’éducation qui en découle. Il examine les effets néfastes de cette tendance sur les normes et principes qui constituent le fondement du cadre juridique du droit à l’éducation tel qu’il est consacré par les instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme. Il met en évidence les répercussions de la privatisation sur les principes de justice sociale et d’équité et analyse la législatio n relative à l’éducation ainsi que l’évolution de la jurisprudence se rapportant à la privatisation de l’éducation.
Enfin, le Rapporteur spécial formule une série de recommandations concernant l’élaboration de cadres réglementaires efficaces permettant de soumettre les établissements d’enseignement privés à un contrôle et de faire en sorte que l’éducation demeure un bien public.
This report examines public-private partnerships in education, which are inextricably linked to rapidly expanding privatization. The Special Rapporteur highlights their implications for the right to education and for the principles of social justice and equity. Lastly, he offers a set of recommendations with a view to developing an effective regulatory framework, along with implementation strategies for public-private partnerships in education, in keeping with State obligations for the right to education, as laid down in international human rights conventions, and the need to safeguard education as a public good.
Ce rapport examine les partenariats public-privé dans le domaine de l’éducation, indissociables de l’expansion rapide de la privatisation. Le Rapporteur Spécial souligne ainsi leurs incidences sur le droit à l’éducation et les principes de justice sociale et d’équité. Enfin, il propose une série de recommandations en vue d’élaborer un cadre réglementaire efficace, ainsi que des stratégies pour la mise en œuvre de partenariats public-privé dans le domaine de l’éducation, conformément aux obligations qui incombent aux États concernant le droit à l’éducation, énoncées dans les instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme, et eu égard à la nécessité de protéger l’éducation en tant que bien public.
En este informe, el Relator Especial examina las alianzas público-privadas relativas a la educación, que están ligadas indisolublemente al rápido avance de la privatización. Pone de relieve sus repercusiones en el derecho a la educación y los principios de justicia social y equidad. Por último, formula una serie de recomendaciones con miras a elaborar un marco normativo eficaz y unas estrategias de ejecución de las alianzas público-privadas en el ámbito de la educación, en cumplimiento de las obligaciones de los Estados relativas al derecho a la educación, conforme a lo establecido en las convenciones y convenios internacionales de derechos humanos, y la necesidad de salvaguardar la educación como un bien público.