This report is presented pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 8/4 and 35/2. In it, the Special Rapporteur examines how the right to education, and the commitments made in the Sustainable Development Goals, provide guidance for governance in national education systems.

This report considers how the right to education must be mainstreamed into the governance in education. Governance in this context can be thought to include the laws, policies, institutions, administrative procedures and practices, monitoring and accountability mechanisms, and judicial procedures that are related to education.  These must incorporate a rights-based approach to ensure not only that non-discrimination and equitable access for all are mainstreamed, but that learners who have been the hardest to reach, including members of vulnerable groups, are prioritized, even if such decisions are counter to the traditional emphasis on efficiency.

Year of publication: 
Special Rapporteur on the right to education
Human Rights Council
Resource type: 