26 November 2015
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) which oversees the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, has made a call for submissions on its Draft General Comment on the right to inclusive education (article 24).The Committee invites interested parties to provide written input on the draft. Comments and feedback should be sent... Read more
9 November 2015
On 5th November 2015 the minimum age of marriage for both boys and girls was raised to eighteen in Guatemala. Guatemala's Congress voted 87 to 15 in favour of raising the minimum age of marriage from fourteen to eighteen for girls and from sixteen to eighteen for boys. However, the new legislation contains a provision that allows sixteen year old girls to marry with the consent of a judge. This... Read more
9 November 2015
Press release, Amnesty International, available here and reproduced below: Thousands of pregnant girls, excluded from mainstream schools and barred from sitting upcoming exams, risk being left behind as Sierra Leone moves forward from the Ebola crisis, Amnesty International said in a report published today.The report, Shamed and Blamed: Pregnant Girls’ Rights at Risk in Sierra Leone, reveals how... Read more
2 November 2015
Press release, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, available here and reproduced below. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Kishore Singh, has called on all UN Member States to focus on strengthening the right to education when seeking partnerships for education.“The importance of respecting human rights in commercial dealings is even more important... Read more
29 October 2015
In recent years the UN has become increasingly vocal and condemnatory about the human rights impact of increasing private actor involvement in education systems around the world.In October 2015 two UN human rights treaty bodies, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), raised further concerns about the growing involvement of... Read more
15 October 2015
Press release, London, 15th October 2015Organisations across the world and international campaigners have expressed concern that the British government could be violating the right to education with its support for the growth of private schools across Africa and south Asia. International and British organisations as well as teachers’ unions have joined campaigners from countries including Kenya,... Read more
12 October 2015
ActionAid UK, ActionAid International and the Right to Education Project are hosting an event to mark the launch of a report on how the British government could be violating the right to education with its support of for-profit private schools across Africa and south Asia. The report is titled: The UK’s support of the growth of private education through its development aid: questioning its... Read more
30 September 2015
The Right to Education Project, the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative, the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are organising a panel discussion: Setting the Rules of the Game: how can regulations of private actors ensure the right to education in the post-2015 setting?The event will take place on Monday 19th October at 18:00 in Clarke Hall at the Institute of... Read more
29 September 2015
Leaders have set an ambitious new global education goal: universal primary and lower secondary education for all by 2030. But many countries struggle to provide even primary education to marginalised children – mostly girls. Now leaders need to fund the goal or lose yet another generation to poverty. UNESCO Institute for Statistics has produced a set of interactive maps to highlight where the... Read more
7 September 2015
On Friday, 4th September, Washington State Supreme Court ruled that the State's voter-approved charter-school law is unconstitutional. This law allowed 40 charter schools across the State to operate, currently enrolling around 1,200 pupils in the system.The Court determined that the schools cannot receive public funding because the State superintendent has no control over the curriculum or day-to... Read more