22 July 2020

On the 20th of July, RTE participated in a virtual launch for the 2nd edition of Protecting Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict: an International Law Handbook organised by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL).

To mark this publication, they invited experts on the protection of education to discuss some of the key recent legal developments in the area, including the adoption of the Safe Schools Declaration and the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education. RTE’s executive director, Delphine Dorsi, presented the drafting and adoption process of the Abidjan Principles, their already wide recognition and explained how they apply to conflict contexts.

The event, which was convened by Kristin Hausler (BIICL), was chaired by Professor Robert McCorquodale (Inclusive Law). Other speakers included Professor Steven Haines, (University of Greenwich), and Dr Siobhan Smith (Salford University).

Watch the video of the event and get details of the project behind the creation of the handbook.