24 November 2021

On Friday 26th November 2021, the World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP), Right to Education Initiative, and UNESCO will hold a joint seminar on Early Childhood Care and Education.

The seminar, entitled ‘What’s happening with ECCE in the world? Latest research and current perspectives’, will feature the presentation of two new UNESCO reports, including ‘Right to pre-primary education: a global study’, and ‘The Impact of Covid-19 on Early Childhood Care and Education in the Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from the results of the Rapid Regional Personnel Survey'. 

In addition, presentations will be delivered by Yohsi Kaga, Education Programme Specialist at UNESCO regional bureau for West Africa; Rolla Moumné, Programme Specialist in charge of programme on the Right to Education at UNESCO headquarters, Paris; and Mercedes Mayol Lassalle, World President of OMEP.

The seminar is the fourth in a 2021-2022 series held by OMEP.

Key information

The event will be live-streamed on YouTube. Watch it here


  • 9 AM Buenos Aires
  • 7 AM New York
  • 1 PM Paris/Berlin/Madrid
  • 3 PM Nairobi
  • 9 PM Japan

Location of event

Live stream available here: https://www.youtube.com/omepworldtv