31 May 2017

We are pleased to announce that on 19 May 2017, RTE was officially registered as a Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) under UK law with the Charity Number 1173115 and the name ‘Right to Education Initiative’.  

Although we are widely known as the ‘Right to Education Project’ we decided to change to the ‘Right to Education Initiative’ to better reflect who we are: a global human rights organisation leading the promotion and defence of the right to education. The use of ‘project’ gives the impression that we are temporary when we are not - we will continue to fight for the right to education for as long as violations occur.

Established in 2000 by the first UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Katarina Tomaševski, RTE was re-launched in 2008 as a collaborative initiative, supported by ActionAid International, Amnesty International, Global Campaign for Education, Save the Children, and Human Rights Watch. We are very grateful to each organisation for their invaluable assistance, especially ActionAid who have hosted us. As we move into our new strategic period, we will maintain these key partnerships, continue engaging with existing partners, and develop new partnerships with actors from different fields all over the world.  

We are excited to embark on this new chapter for RTE and we look forward to collaborating with all of you to make the right to education for all a reality.

Additional information

RTE’s new Executive Board is composed of:

  • David Archer, ActionAid
  • Clive Baldwin, Human Rights Watch
  • Iain Byrne, Amnesty International
  • Rob Doble, Save the Children
  • Ayan Hassan, Muslim Aid
  • Elin Martinez, Human Right Watch
  • Anjela Taneja, Independent Consultant
  • Veronica Yates, Child Rights International Network

In addition, RTE will continue to benefit from high-level expertise from a network of advisers, who will provide expert advice on RTE’s strategy for 2017-2019. The renewed list of our advisers can be found, here.

You can access RTE’s Constitution here and RTE’s strategy for 2017-2019 here.