1 June 2023
On 27 June, the Right to Education Initiative and the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights submitted a written statement in support of the report ‘Securing the right to education: advances and critical challenges’, by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, Farida Shaheed. The publication of this report marks the 25th anniversary of the mandate of... Read more
31 May 2023
In April, in response to the complaint submitted by S.M.G.V., a woman with an intellectual disability, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities determined that Mexico had not taken the necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure her access to tertiary education.The complaint submitted by S.M.G.V. outlined how she had failed the admission test for a... Read more
Event flyer with blue background and white text naming event, location, co-sponsoring partners. On the left hand side circular images of speakers with their job titles are shown
2 May 2023
In April, during the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington, RTE and partners co-sponsored an event entitled ‘Making a real difference? Lessons from the financing of health and education for the World Bank Group’s Evolution Roadmap’. In the context of the meetings, the World Bank Group proposed its Evolution Roadmap to address development challenges including poverty, shared prosperity... Read more
28 April 2023
On 20 April, RTE took part in a webinar jointly organised by the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), The African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA), Centre for Human Rights, Global Initiative for Economic Social and Cultural Rights on General Comment 7 of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights. Delphine Dorsi spoke at the event, focusing her comments and... Read more
Publication front cover with text reading "Monitoring Access and Participation in Higher Education From a Human Rights Perspective" and photo of student protest with banner reading "Free education: no borders, no barriers, no business"
27 April 2023
Higher education is part of the right to education, protected under international human rights law. This means that states have the obligation to protect respect and fulfil the right to higher education and that there are ways to hold them accountable for violations or deprivations of this right.However, despite a comprehensive international legal framework ensuring the right to higher education... Read more
26 April 2023
The 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, held in Geneva between 27 February - 4 April 2023, saw the presentation of a joint statement on academic freedom by France on behalf of 72 countries. The statement reaffirms the vital importance of academic freedom and calls on all states to protect and promote it as a cornerstone of democracy and human rights. The joint statement... Read more
10 April 2023
In March 2023, the Right to Education Initiative and nine partner organisations submitted a joint submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) in response to the body’s review of the United Kingdom’s compliance with its human rights obligations as regards economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to education.  The submitting organisations, which... Read more
8 March 2023
International Women’s Day is rightly a day of celebration of the achievements of women. Across the globe, women are changing their environments, breaking boundaries and providing inspiration to future generations. Whilst we must take time to celebrate these leaps forward, it is equally essential not to lose focus of the origins of the day, which reside in multiple national battles for rights.It... Read more
2 March 2023
IIEP-UNESCO has published ‘Planning to Fulfil the Right to Education: methodological guidelines and a toolkit’, a document whose purpose is to support national administrations in weighing and costing policy options and cross-checking them against the most appropriate benchmarks. RTE collaborated in the development of the document, which utilises the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education. ... Read more
2 March 2023
In February, ten civil society organisations including RTE presented a joint submission to the CESCR, in light of its upcoming review of the United Kingdom’s compliance with its human rights obligations as regards economic, social and cultural rights.     The brief was submitted to the CESCR’s pre-sessional working group, and focused on international development cooperation in education. In... Read more
