Share of the national higher education budget invested in private higher education institutions
Percentage of higher education budget allocated to student financial aid as a share of total higher education budget
Has the State allocated budget to implement laws and policies targeting special groups?
Are there any laws, policies and/or measures regulating accommodation/adaptability of education for students with disabilities?
States have the obligation to provide ‘reasonable accommodation’ to students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodation is defined as ‘appropriate modification and adjustments which are necessary, in a particular case, to ensure persons with disabilities can enjoy, on an equal basis with others, all human rights and fundamental freedoms’.
Are there differentiated tuition fees based on students’ nationalities?
Do vulnerable, disadvantaged and/or marginalised groups face discrimination on campus?
Are there any affirmative action or other policies aiming to reduce inequalities? (Such as tuition subsidies, grants, quotas, campaigns, etc.)
Affirmative actions should be understood as targeted temporary actions aiming to facilitate access, participation, and completion of marginalised groups that are underrepresented in different levels of education.
In the case of territorial occupation, does the state recognise diplomas from the occupied territories?
Is there any law banning the military use of educational facilities or training exercises in and around educational institutions?
Military training in and around educational institutions puts at risk not only the infrastructure of schools and universities but also the safety of students, teachers and staff, both in and while traveling to and from school. They could also raise fears and increase a general climate of insecurity and instability that may prevent students from going to school, parents from sending their children from school, and teachers from going to work - thus having an impact on absenteeism or drop-out rates.