Share of the national higher education budget invested in private higher education institutions
What laws and policies regulate the privatisation of higher education and private higher education institutions?
If the higher education budget is allocated by different ministries or agencies (at national or regional level), is there a mechanism available to oversee coordination among all the different levels of responsibility?
Does an independent body (eg parliamentary committee) monitor the budget?
Is there public access to key public financial documents related to education?
Key public financial documents include national and regional budgets, periodic reports on execution of the budgets, reports on distribution of resources by province or department
Current public expenditure per pupil as a percentage of GDP per capita
Current public expenditure per pupil at each level of education, expressed as a percentage of GDP per capita
Education budget execution rate
The education budget execution rate is the percentage of the approved budget for the education in the last fiscal year that was actually executed
Does the State have effective administrative complaint mechanism(s) to file complaints on violations of the right to education?
Complaint mechanisms may be set up within the Education Ministry and / or within non-judicial oversight institutions such as a human rights commission, the supreme audit institution, or an anti-corruption agency
Education expenditure ratio
General government expenditure on education (current, capital, and transfers) is expressed as a percentage of GDP. It includes expenditure funded by transfers from international sources to government. General government usually refers to local, regional and central governments (Source: UIS)