Global or regional reports of international specialised agencies, such as UNESCO’s Education for All Global Monitoring ReportUNDP Regional Human Development Reports and UNICEF’s regional reports on education (see below) can be a useful source for getting information on many of these indicators across countries. You may also find relevant information in UNESCO’s resources on the right to education, State reports to various UN treaty bodies, and on Right to Education Project’s page on Where to Find Information on National Implementation.

UNICEF’s Regional Reports on Education:

Latin America and the Caribbean

East Asia and Pacific

Central and Eastern Europe

Eastern and Southern Africa

Regional reports on specific education policies – some examples

UNICEF (2013) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Primary Schools in South-East Asian Countries: Realities, needs and recommendations

UNICEF (2011) Teachers: A Regional Study on Recruitment, Development and Salaries of Teachers in the CEECIS Region

UNICEF (2011) School Violence in Latin American and the Caribbean