Percentage of schools without fire exits
Percentage of schools without fire exits is the share of schools without a fire exit
Percentage of schools without fire exits is the share of schools without a fire exit
Percentage of schools without computer facilities is the share of schools without computer facilities
Percentage of schools without a library is the share of schools without access to a library, either on school premises, a public library, the library of a nearby school or a mobile library
Percentage of schools without single-sex toilets is the share of schools without separate girls and boys toilets or single-sex educational institutions without toilets. Schools are counted as having toilets if they have a pit latrine, an improved pit latrine, a flush toilet, a pour-flush toilet or a composting toilet
The percentage of schools where there are not enough safe classrooms for instruction to take place (Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.145)
The percentage of schools where buildings used by students or teachers are damaged and thus pose a safety risk. Indications that a school building is in a state of disrepair include: a leaky or collapsing roof, broken windows, buckling floors and broken toilets (Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.145)
Repetition rate is the proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school year of primary or secondary education who study in the same grade in the following school year (Source: UIS)
Percentage of population aged 15 years and over who can, with understanding, both read and write, a short simple statement on his / her everyday life. Generally, ‘literacy’ also encompasses ‘numeracy’, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations (Source: UIS: p.3)
Primary completion rate is the percentage of students completing the last year of primary school. The UN defines it as: the total number of new entrants in the last grade of primary education, regardless of age, expressed as percentage of the total population of the theoretical entrance age to the last grade of primary. The ratio can exceed 100% due to over-aged and under-aged children who enter primary school late / early and / or repeat grades
Net enrolment rate is the number of children of official school age (based on the International Standard Classification of Education 1997) who are enrolled in school as a percentage of the population of the corresponding official school age