Percentage of schools with potable water

Percentage of schools with potable water is the share of schools at a given level of education with a drinking water facility or water delivery point that is designed to protect water from external contamination, particularly of fecal origin. Examples of potable drinking water facilities include: pipe-borne water, protected wells, boreholes, protected spring water and rainwater

Percentage of secondary school students in their final year who pass the requisite examinations

The percentage of students who achieve the lowest passable grade or above in examinations taking place in the final year of secondary school (Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.152)

Do domestic laws expressly recognise the liberty of parents to choose the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions?

(Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.141)
