Teacher absenteeism rate
This indicator measures the proportion of teachers who are not in school although they were expected to be teaching when visited by a survey team, out of all teachers who were expected to be teaching
Number of reported incidents of schools closed or not allowed to open
This indicator refers to the number of such incidents in the last 12 months
Do domestic laws forbid discrimination in access to education?
This indicator examines whether discrimination, both direct and indirect, are legally prohibited
Coverage of the right to education in the constitution or other forms of superior law
This indicator measure the extent to which and which aspects of the right to education are guaranteed in law at the highest level
Are there any specific measures to ensure that previously out-of-school children remain in school?
An example of such a measure is a programme that adapts education to students' specific circumstances to prevent further drop-outs
Are there established mechanisms to enable parents, children and community leaders to contribute to the formulation and / or implementation of strategies to identify out-of-school children, to encourage school attendance and to reduce drop-out rates?
Mechanisms by which stakeholders can contribute to the formulation and / or implementation of strategies to identify out-of-school children include: perception surveys, focus groups and public campaigns.
Is the State taking steps to identify out-of-school children, to encourage school attendance and to reduce drop-out rates?
Out-of-school children are all those excluded from education at a given level of education
Can children of seasonal migrants enrol in schools?
Seasonal migrants are persons employed in a State other than their own for part of the year because the work they perform depends on seasonal conditions
Do children have to present a birth certificate to enrol in school?
The requirement to present a birth certificate in order to enrol in school may be prescribed by local, regional or national law