These thematic monitoring guides provide practical advice on monitoring various aspects of the right to education. These guides are based on, and supplement, the framework layed out in the right to education monitoring guide, as well as our experiences across various monitoring initiatives that we have undertaken with partners from all over the world.
Monitoring education under attack:
Monitoring Education Under Attack from a Human Rights Perspective
This monitoring guide is designed to help civil society organisations monitor education under attack from a human rights perspective. It will guide you through the importance of monitoring (I), give you advice on what to look for and how to collect data (II), provide you with a list of indicators you might want to look at (III) and recommendations on how and who to report to (IV) when identifying violations of the right to education.
Education Under Attack: a guidance note for journalists and photographers
Changes in the media market after the end of the cold war, the development of new technologies and the hindering consequences of multiple economic crises have strengthened collaboration between journalists, photographers, videographers, and NGOs. Media reporting on conflict zones could play an enhanced role in helping civil society organisation’s (CSOs) efforts to document attacks on education and CSO knowledge and connections could help journalists uncover important stories from the front lines.
This brief encourages a systematic collaboration focused on collecting and sharing data that may help advance the right to education in emergency situations.
Higher Education
Monitoring Access and Participation in Higher Education From a Human Rights Perspective
Higher education is part of the right to education, protected under international human rights law. This means that states have the obligation to protect respect and fulfil the right to higher education and that there are ways to hold them accountable for violations or deprivations of the right to higher education.
This guide proposes a human rights based approach to inequalities regarding students’ access to and participation in higher education.