Budgets reflect governments’ priorities. Without theallocation of resources, especially financial, States cannot realise the right to education. Specifically, States cannot meet theirminimum core obligations, such as securing free and compulsory primary education for all, or the obligation toprogressively realise certain aspects of the right to education, such as the progressive introduction of free secondary, vocational and higher education.
A lack of resources has grave effects on the enjoyment of the right to education because the lack of investment hinders the proper implementation and / or formulation ofeducation policies. For instance, education policies that address lack of access and improving education quality often require the building of schools, the training of teachers, the distribution of textbooks and the inspection of schools.
Using a specific type ofprocess indicator, this step will help you to analyse expenditure and resource allocation ratios, and to identify whether the policy failures you identified in Step 3 are a result of a State’s failure to allocate the necessary resources for the realisation of the right to education.
This step will also help you monitor other finance-related factors, such as corruption, that may be affecting the realisation of the right to education.