Number of out-of-school students due to military use of schools and/or universities to support military efforts

This indicator measures the number of out-of-school students due to military use of schools and/or universities. The total number is calculated by adding up the number of out-of-school children for each reported incident of military use of schools and/or universities.


Total number of reported military uses of schools and/or universities to support military efforts

This indicator measures the total reported number of schools partially or totally occupied by armed forces (governmental or non governmental) and used for military purposes, such as using educational facilities as bases or temporary shelters, fighting positions, weapons storage facilities, detention and interrogation centers and military training or drilling soldiers (GCPEA, 2020 Education under attack report).

Have schools and universities been used by military forces or non-state armed groups to support their military efforts?

This indicator includes situations where state armed forces or non-state armed groups partially or fully occupy schools or universities, and use them for purposes that support a military effort. This includes using educational facilities as bases or temporary shelters, fighting positions, weapons storage facilities, detention and interrogation centers and military training or drilling soldiers (GCPEA, 2020 Education under attack report).
