Region of origin/residence is understood as the national region where students resided and completed their upper secondary education.


Education should not be conditional on, or determined by, a person’s current or former place of residence. 

Place of residence is often neglected as a potential ground for discrimination and driver of inequality, but it may affect accessibility and completion in higher education. A low share of students pursuing a higher education degree in the region of origin/residence may indicate problems in the availability and physical accessibility of higher education in the region. It may also hinder economic accessibility, as it may imply in indirect costs such as transportation and housing.

Human Rights Standards: 

Article 2.2 and 13, 2 (c), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 2, Convention on the rights of the Child; Article 4, UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education; Paragraph 6 (b) (i), General Comment 13, Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR); Para 34, General Comment 20, Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). 

Levels and Types of Education: 
Types of Indicator: 
Levels of disaggregation: 
Rural/urban; region; income quintile