Net enrolment rate is the number of children of official school age (based on the International Standard Classification of Education 1997) who are enrolled in school as a percentage of the population of the corresponding official school age    


A high net enrolment rate (NER) denotes a high degree of enrolment in education by the official school-age population. NERs below 100% provide a measure of the proportion of primary school age children who are not enrolled at the primary level. This difference does not necessarily indicate the percentage of students who are not enrolled at all in education, since some children may be enrolled at other levels of education. When the NER is compared with the gross enrolment ratio (GER) the difference between the two ratios highlights the incidence of under-aged and over-aged enrolment. The data for this indicator should be disaggregated to measure relative enjoyment across and between groups, for example boys compared to girls, persons with disabilities compared to the general population and those living in different regions of the country. Inequalities in enjoyment may constitute discrimination (Source: Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, Net Enrolment Rate in Primary Education)

Available data: 

Edstats (SEARCH: Series > Topics > Primary > Enrolment Rates)

Human Rights Standards: 

Article 13 (2) (a), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 28 (1) (a), Convention on the Rights of the Child; Article 17 (2), (Revised) European Social Charter; Article 13 (3) (a), Protocol of San Salvador; Article 11 (3) (a), African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Article 41 (2), Arab Charter

Levels and Types of Education: 
Types of Indicator: 
Levels of disaggregation: 
Gender, Income, Minority, Region, Urban/Rural, Minority, Persons with Disabilities, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Migrants, Refugees and IDPs, Persons in Detention, Child Labourers, Child Soldiers, Public/Private