Percentage of students at the lowest level of science proficiency is the percentage of students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale in national or international assessments
For data on learning outcomes, as measured by international assessments, see Edstats (SEARCH: Series > Topics > Learning Outcomes)
Article 13, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 28, Convention on the Rights of the Child; Article 17 (2), (Revised) European Social Charter; Article 13, Protocol of San Salvador; Article 11, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Article 13, African Youth Charter; Article 41 (2), Arab Charter; Article 4, UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education
A high percentage of students at the lowest level of science proficiency reflects that a significant proportion of children are not an enjoying education of good quality. For this indicator it is important to disaggregate the data and look at which marginalised groups make up the percentage of students at the lowest level of science proficiency. Care must be taken when interpreting data for persons with disabilities. You should look at the data disaggregated by type of disability and assess whether the test is an accurate measure of the quality of education for persons with that particular disability