The percentage of schools where buildings used by students or teachers are damaged and thus pose a safety risk. Indications that a school building is in a state of disrepair include: a leaky or collapsing roof, broken windows, buckling floors and broken toilets (Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.145)


A high percentage of schools with buildings in a state of disrepair indicates that the learning environment is unsuitable and unsafe for learners, and is therefore incongruent with the right to a quality education. It is important to disaggregate the data for this indicator, particularly across regions, urban compared to rural schools and public compared to private schools. This may reveal unequal enjoyment of quality education, which may be indicative of discrimination

Human Rights Standards: 

Article 13 (3), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 10 (b), Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Article 29, Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC General Comment 1, paras 8 & 12)

Types of Indicator: 
Levels of disaggregation: 
Level of Education, Urban/Rural, Region, Public/Private