Private enrolment refers to pupils or students enrolled at a given level of education in institutions that are not operated by a public authority but controlled and managed, whether for profit or not, by a private body, such as a non-governmental organisation, religious body, special interest group, foundation or business enterprise.
UIS has data for enrolment rates in private institutions for all levels of education (Education>Participation>Enrolment>Enrolment by type of institution)
Article 13 (4), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 29 (2), Convention on the Rights of the Child; Article 13 (5), Protocol of San Salvador; Article 11 (7), African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Article 14 (3), European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights; Article 2, Op Protocol 1, European Convention on Human Rights; Article 17 (1) (a), (Revised) European Social Charter; Article 13, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities; Article 27 (3), ILO Convention 169
A high level of this indicator may be indicative of a poor quality of education in public schools, which typically has a particularly detrimental effect on poor children, whose families often cannot afford to pay private school fees. Furthermore, an increasing percentage over time of private enrolment at a given educational level could be indicative of worsening quality of education in public schools. The data for this indicator should be disaggregated to measure enrolment across and between groups, particularly boys compared to girls and persons with disabilities compared to the general population. This is important because a high differential in enrolment rates between and across groups may be indicative of discrimination in access to private education for certain groups. You should also collect disaggregated data by income as this can tell you about the socio-economic background of the students that the school targets