This indicator measures the number of years of education required for school teachers to meet certification requirements to teach at a given level of education (Source: Audrey Chapman (2007) Development of Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Rights to Education, Participation in Cultural Life and Access to the Benefits of Science: p.148)


A low number of years of education required for teachers to meet certification requirements (especially compared with other countries) may be indicative of inadequate training for teachers, therefore potentially affecting the quality of education delivered

Human Rights Standards: 

Article 13, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 28, Convention on the Rights of the Child; Article 17 (2), (Revised) European Social Charter; Article 13, Protocol of San Salvador; Article 11, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Article 13, African Youth Charter; Article 41 (2), Arab Charter; Article 4, UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education

Types of Indicator: 
Levels of disaggregation: 
Level of Education, Public/Private, Region