GER is the ratio of total enrolment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that corresponds to the same level of education. GER can exceed 100% due to the inclusion of over-aged and under-aged students, because of early or late school entrance, and grade repetition. For the tertiary level, the population used is the 5-year age group starting from the official secondary school graduation age (Source: UIS, Education Indicators - Technical Guidelines: p.9)


Gross enrolment ratio is widely used to show the general level of participation in a given level of education. It can also be used as a complementary indicator to net enrolment rate (NER) by indicating the extent of over-aged and under-aged enrolment. The data for this indicator should be disaggregated to measure relative enjoyment across and between groups, for example boys compared to girls, persons with disabilities compared to the general population and those living in different regions of the country. Inequalities in enjoyment may constitute discrimination (Source: UIS, Education Indicators - Technical Guidelines: p.9)

Available data: 
Human Rights Standards: 

Article 13 (2), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Article 28 (1), Convention on the Rights of the Child; Article 24 (2), Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; Article 7 (2) (c), ILO Convention 182; Article 17 (2), (Revised) European Social Charter; Article 13 (3), Protocol of San Salvador; Article 11 (3), African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Article 13 (4), African Youth Charter; Article 41 (2), Arab Charter; Article 4, UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education

Types of Indicator: 
Levels of disaggregation: 
Level of Education, Gender, Income, Minority, Region, Urban/Rural, Persons with Disabilities, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Migrants, Refugees and IDPs, Persons in Detention, Child Labourers, Child Soldiers, Public/Private, Race, Ethnicity, Caste, Religion, Sex, Gender identity, Sexual orientation, Place of residence, Indigenous or autochthon, Prior attainment, Place of residence, Bottom/top quintile, Parental level of education, Parental profession, Type of secondary education (public/private)