Based on a survey of schools in 234 villages in five Indian states, the Public Report on Basic Education (PROBE) team found nearly two-thirds of the schools visited have a leaking roof; six schools do not have any building, and classes are held in open spaces and in one third of all the schools the headmaster was absent at the time of the investigators' visit.

Source: PROBE & Centre for Development Economics (1999) Public Report on Basic Education in India.

A survey conducted in Guatemala by a coalition of non-governmental organisations from around the country to monitor the implementation of programmes that provide free meals and textbooks in public primary schools programmes found that approximately 80 percent of principals were unaware of the free meal programme and that approximately 75 percent of schools did not receive textbooks for all students.

Source: Rankumar, V (2008) Our Money, Our Responsibility: A Citizens' Guide to Monitoring Government Expenditures, The International Budget Project.