The Right to Education for Children with Disabilities in South Africa: SECTION27’s action from national research and litigation strategies to international advocacy

The South African Department of Basic Education has indicated that as many as 489 036 children with disabilities of a school going age are not attending any school at all. The 2013 General Household Survey indicates that of the children with disabilities who do not attend school, 67% report severe disabilities and would therefore require placement in special schools.

14 April 2015

Submission on the Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities in South Africa to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This report was submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a contribution to a Day of General Discussion on the right to education for persons with disabilities to be held on 15 April 2015.

Moving towards inclusive education as a human right: An analysis of international legal obligations to implement inclusive education in law and policy

Children with disabilities experience ongoing segregation in special education classes or are otherwise excluded from education. This is in spite of the fact that states have a legal obligation to offer an accessible and inclusive education to all learners. Exclusion of any child from education is a violation of international law and a breach of human rights. The provision of inclusive education is an obligation under international law, as well as the means by which to fulfil the additional legal obligation to make education accessible to children with disabilities.