Corporatised Education in the Philippines: Pearson, Ayala Corporation, and the emergence of affordable private education centers (APEC)

This report shows that the Philippines is neglecting its obligation to guarantee free public education for all. Since 2009 the government’s allocation of funds to private school chains has increased to more than PHP 31 Billion, nearly $700 million USD, which Riep points out could have paid for 60 thousand more classrooms and accommodated roughly 3 million students.

Case-Studies on Parallel Reporting to Tackle Privatisation in Education (3/3)

For the past 18 months, a number of international, national and local organisations have been working together to research and assess the effects of the growth of private education from a human rights perspective in 8 countries. This work, led by the Global Initiative on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) in Partnership with the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI) and the Right to Education Initiative (RTE), has produced an effective methodology that civil society can use to tackle privatisation in their countries.

How to Use Human Rights Mechanisms (2/3)

For the past 18 months, a number of international, national and local organisations have been working together to research and assess the effects of the growth of private education from a human rights perspective in 8 countries. This work, led by the Global Initiative on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) in Partnership with the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI) and the Right to Education Initiative (RTE), has produced an effective methodology that civil society can use to tackle privatisation in their countries.

Private Actors in Education & Human Rights: A Practical Methodology to Tackle the Negative Effects of Privatisation in Education on the Right to Education (1/3)

For the past 18 months, a number of international, national and local organisations have been working together to research and assess the effects of the growth of private education from a human rights perspective in 8 countries. This work, led by the Global Initiative on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) in Partnership with the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI) and the Right to Education Initiative (RTE), has produced an effective methodology that civil society can use to tackle privatisation in their countries.

Comment le règlement des acteurs privés peut-il assurer le droit à l'éducation dans le contexte post-2015?

Faire face à la croissance des acteurs privés dans l'éducation ne signifie pas seulement identifier des problèmes, mais aussi réfléchir à des solutions permettant aux acteurs privés de jouer un rôle positif.

30 Octobre 2015

Civil Society Organisations Gather in London to Examine the Impact of the Increasing Presence of Private Actors in Education

From 15th to 21st October, civil society organisations from around the world convened in London for a series of workshops and public events to examine the impact of the growing involvement of private actors on the right to education.

29 Octobre 2015

Privatisation of Education and Rights Violations in Brazil: Notes for the Committee on the Rights of the Child

This present document, produced by the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education (Brazilian Campaign) and the NGO Ação Educativa, aims to present a brief overview of the ongoing privatization processes in education in Brazil and its negative impacts on the achievement of the human right to education of children and adolescents, as a contribution to the II Alternative Report on the Situation of the Rights of the Child in Brazil organized by the National Association of Centers for the Defense of Child Rights (Associação Nacional dos Centros de Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente - Anced).
