Analysis of support to private sector engagement in global partnership for education recipient countries

This report provides an analysis of support to private sector engagement in Global Partnership for Education (GPE) recipient countries, building off a prior study focusing on GPE decision-making on private schooling. This review includes an analysis of 101 documents relating to the 40 GPE recipient partner countries with active Education Sector Program Implementation Grants (ESPIGs). Country profiles of Haiti, Pakistan, and Uganda are provided in an Appendix, each of which highlights important trends with implications for GPE support to private participation in education.

Les preuves face au marketing: rappel des faits vérifiés de façon indépendante sur Bridge International Academy par 113 signataires en tant qu'auteurs collectifs

Ce poste est publié dans les pages Débats du site NORRAG sur le droit à l'éducation. Il s'agit d'une traduction informelle de la version originale anglaise. 

23 Avril 2018

Bien public contre profits privés

Cette boîte à outils doit servir de ressource aux coalitions et aux organisations de la société civile qui ont une approche de l’éducation fondée sur les droits, qui souhaitent mieux comprendre le développement et l’impact de la privatisation dans le secteur éducatif de leur pays et qui réfléchissent peut-être, ou se sont déjà engagées, dans le plaidoyer contre les effets néfastes de la privatisation.
Tout en reflétant principalement le contexte de l’hémisphère Sud, soit les pays à revenus faibles et moyens, la boîte à outils puise dans des expériences et des ex

Geneva consultation: Debating the Human rights guiding principles on state obligations with regards to private involvement in education

On 5 February 2018, at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, academics and representatives from states, civil society organisations, UN offices, human rights treaty bodies, and the private sector gathered  for the final in-person consultation on the draft Human rights guiding principles on state obligations with regards to private involvement in education  (the Guiding Principles).

22 Février 2018

Educación privada de bajo coste en el Perú: un enfoque desde la calidad

El informe "Educación privada de bajo coste en el Perú: un enfoque desde la calidad" ha sido realizado conjuntamente por un equipo de investigación de la Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona y del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo de Lima y ofrece un panorama actual de la distribución de la oferta privada en el Perú, con especial atención a Lima Metropolitana y, en particular, al distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho.

The right to education movements and policies: Promises and realities

NORRAG Special Issue No 1. The right to education movement and policies: Promises and realities

According to UNESCO, 264 million children and youth are still out of school around the world, and this is only accounting for the primary (61 million) and secondary school (203 million) age population. In particular, the poorest and most marginalised, including ethnic and religious minorities, persons with disabilities, girls, and populations experiencing conflict, are often systematically unable to access and complete a full cycle of quality education.

The obligation to mobilise resources: Bridging human rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and economic and fiscal policies.

The report focuses on the legal obligations of states and private entities to mobilise all resources at their disposal, including those that could be collected through taxation or prevention of illicit financial flows, to satisfy minimum essential levels of human rights and finds that states who facilitate or actively promote tax abuses, at the domestic or cross-border level, may be in violation of international human rights law.

Join our campaign to ensure that everyone has the legal right to education!

Although the majority of countries recognise the right to education through international and national law, the fulfilment of the right to education is far from being a reality. This is why we have launched a campaign to make sure the right to education is enforceable in countries around the world. Citizens should be able to take their governments to court if they violate this right. If they can’t, a vital route to accountability is missing.

11 Décembre 2017

Accountability in education: Meeting our commitments (2017-8 youth version)

SDG 4, right to education, global education monitoring report, sustainable development goals

This youth report, based on findings and conclusions from the 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring report, asks how young people are involved in the process of accountability in education. As students, what are we responsible for in our education and how are we held accountable? How can we make sure other actors–like schools, universities and governments–are held accountable for their responsibilities?
