* تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بالحق في التعليم، فريدة شهيد ضمان الحق في التعليم: أوجه التقدم والتحديات الحرجة

يق دم هذا التقرير الذي أعدته المقررة الخاصةة ةم الم نيم قالي لت الت يري لريدة ،ةة ةاسدي قمنا ةة ة م الذكرى السةة ةنويم الخامسةة ةم وال اةة ةرين ناةة ةاة الوحيم المت قم قالي لت الت يرة وتقدم المقررة الخاصةة ةم لت التت تيققت لت هذا المجالي وكيفيم لار الي لت الت ير واحلتزامات المترت م تقريرها ا ت ارضا لإلنجا ازت ع يهي لضةة ع عن القضةةايا الم اصةةرة والنا،ةةنم التت يت سن النجر لساا من أجف ضةةمان الي لت الت ير ل جمي ي لت الوقت الياضر ولت المستقبفة


Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’éducation, 2021/2 : les acteurs non étatiques dans l’éducation : qui décide? qui est perdant?

Le rôle des acteurs non étatiques ne se limite pas à la prestation de services éducatifs, il s’étend aussi aux interventions menées à différents niveaux d’éducation et au sein de diverses sphères d’influence.

Los actores no estatales en la educación ¿QUIÉN ELIGE? ¿QUIÉN PIERDE?

El papel de los actores no estatales se extiende desde la impartición de enseñanza escolar hasta las intervenciones en varios niveles de educación y esferas de influencia. A la par de su examen de los progresos realizados en la consecución del ODS 4, comprendidos los nuevos datos sobre las repercusiones de la pandemia de COVID-19, el Informe de seguimiento de la educación en el mundo 2021-2022 insta a los Gobiernos a considerar todas las instituciones, los alumnos y los docentes como parte de un sistema único.

Demanding accountability: Joint statement in response to reports of a child sexual abuse cover up at the World Bank

A statement signed by 33 organisations who are gravely concerned about the recent media report of child sexual abuse at Bridge International Academies in Kenya, and allegations that the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) for years turned a blind eye to the abuse.

Building blocks for a Comprehensive Model Regulatory Framework for Private Schools in India

The aim of this document is to create a set of key building blocks for developing a model national regulatory framework for private schools, that can be adapted by states to their context. As such, the starting point is not a pre-determined framework, but a content analysis of provisions that exist in the laws of India’s states and union territories.

UK’s development finance ‘harming society and the environment’: civil society organisations respond to critical report by UK Parliamentary International Development Committee

This joint statement signed by RTE and 18 CSOs responds to a report published in September 2023 by the International Development Committee (IDC) of the UK House of Commons, entitled ‘Investment for development - The UK’s Strategy towards Development Finance Initiatives. The report’ raises major concerns about the UK’s investments as part of development aid which the signatory organisations working on education share and reiterate.

Rapport au Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels: 5ème révision de la France à la 74e session - Le droit à l’enseignement supérieur en France

Ce rapport porte sur le droit à l’enseignement supérieur et interroge le respect par la France de ses obligations concernant l'article 2.2 et l'article 13.2 (c) du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (PIDESC).

Submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 5th Review of France at the 74th session - The right to higher education in France

This report, jointly produced by Right to Education Initiative; La FAGE, Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes; and Global Students Forum, focuses on the right to higher education, questioning France’s compliance with its obligations regarding article 2.2 and article 13.2 (c) of the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

International students exchange and discuss strategies for action on equality in higher education

On 24 April 2023, the Right to Education Initiative (RTE) and the Global Student Forum (GSF) brought together student activists from four different continents, namely: Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Europe, to share their insights on mobilising for equal access to higher education in different contexts.

10 Août 2023

Technology and education in light of human rights

In her 2022 Report on the impact of the digitalisation of education on the right to education, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education clarified that any introduction of digital technologies in education must be framed around the right of every person to public, free, quality education and the commitments of states in this regard both under international human rights law and Sustainable Development Goal 4.
