Rapport annuel 2016 consacré aux droits de l'enfant : "Droit fondamental à l’éducation : une école pour tous, un droit pour chacun"

Ce rapport est le premier rapport du Défensuer des droits français à être consacré au droit à l'éducation depuis la création d'une autorité indépendante chargée de défendre les droits des enfants. Il porte sur l'effet des inégalités sociales et territoriales et des discriminations sur l'accès à l'école et sur le maintien dans l'école pour de nombreux enfants. Le rapport aborde les sujets ressortant le plus fréquemment des saisines reçues par l'institution et relatives aux difficultés de scolarisation des enfants, au sein de l'école publique.

From Disparity to Dignity: Tackling economic inequality through the Sustainable Development Goals

The aim of this briefing is to propose a human rights-centered policy agenda to tackle economic inequality and the social inequalities it reinforces. It sets out to illustrate how human rights can provide both a normative framework and a set of accountability mechanisms to accelerate success in meeting this most cross-cutting of sustainable development goals.

Implementing the Right to Education: A Compendium of Practical Examples

The publication is a compilation of practical examples of measures taken by Member States in implementing the provisions of the UNESCO Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education - considered a cornerstone of Education 2030. 

The examples are taken from national reports submitted to UNESCO for the Eighth Consultation of Member States on the implementation of these two international instruments.

Out in the open: Education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression

Violence in schools and other educational settings is a worldwide problem. Students who are perceived not to conform to prevailing sexual and gender norms, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), are more vulnerable. Violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, also referred to as homophobic and transphobic violence, is a form of school-related gender-based violence.

Leaving No One Behind: How Far on the Way to Universal Primary and Secondary Education?

With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have promised to achieve universal completion of primary and secondary education by 2030. This paper, jointly released by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, illustrates the magnitude of this challenge. Globally, 263 million children, adolescents and youth between the ages of 6 and 17 are currently out of school, according to a new set of UIS indicators.

Contrôler le droit à l'éducation des filles non-scolarisées en Tanzanie

La Tanzanie a l'un des taux de mariage d'enfants les plus élevés au monde. Selon le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population, 37% des filles sont déjà mariées lorsqu'elles atteignent l'âge de dix-huit ans. En Tanzanie, comme dans de nombreux autres pays, le mariage d'enfants marque la fin de l'éducation d'une fille. Les filles sont forcées d'abandonner l'école ou n'atteignent pas l'enseignement secondaire.

25 Juillet 2016

Sri Lanka Supreme Court - Access to education of people living with HIV/AIDS

"The Court would like to place on record that in terms of Article 27(2)(h) of the Constitution it is one of the directive principles of state policy to ensure the right to universal and equal access to education at all levels. The Court also wishes to place on record that the state should ensure that the human rights of the people living with HIV/AIDS are promoted, protected and respected and measures to be taken to eliminate discrimination against them"

The Right to Education: Scope and Implementation; General Comment 13 on the Right to Education, Article 13 of the ICESCR

"Achieving the right to education for all is one of the biggest challenges of our times. The second International Development Goal addresses this challenge: universalizing primary education in all countries by 2015. This is also one of the main objectives set at the World Education Forum (April 2000), where the right to basic education for all was reaffirmed as a fundamental human right.

Significance of the Convention against Discrimination in Education

"In our globalized world, education and the fight against discrimination remains a major issue. Thus discriminatory practices still exist today despite the fact that discrimination has no justification in international law.

Faced with this challenge, not only is education required to play an important role in the fight against discrimination, but access to all levels of education must be ensured systematically and without discrimination. This is one of the major issues involved in the right to education."

Combating Discrimination in Education: Guidelines for the Preparation of Reports, Ninth Consultation of Member States on the Application of the Convention and Recommendation Against Discrimination in Education

These Guidelines are intended to assist Member States in the preparation of the Reports on the implementation of the 1960 Convention against Discrimination in Education (“the Convention”) as well as the 1960 Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (“the Recommendation”). The Convention and the Recommendation, adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference in 1960, correspond to UNESCO’s constitutional mandate to “advance the ideal of equality of educational opportunities without regard to race, sex or any distinctions, economic or social”.
