Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación: el derecho a la educación de las personas migrantes

De acuerdo con el derecho internacional la educación es un derecho humano fundamental. Aunque debería ser un derecho cuyo ejercicio estuviera al alcance de todo el mundo, los migrantes deben hacer frente a varios retos en el disfrute de su derecho a la educación. En el presente informe, la Relatora Especial se propone comprender estos retos y considerar la situación de facto y de iure del derecho a la educación de los migrantes en todo el mundo.

Rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l'éducation : le droit à l'éducation des migrants

L’éducation est un droit humain fondamental en vertu du droit international. Alors que tout le monde devrait pouvoir s’en prévaloir, les migrants font face à de multiples obstacles dans l’exercice de leur droit à l’éducation. Dans le présent rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale s’attache à comprendre ces obstacles et examine la situation, de facto et de jure, du droit à l’éducation des migrantes et des migrants dans le monde.

Child migration and access to Early Childhood Care and Education: Limitations in legal frameworks and other concerns

Early childhood, defined as the period from birth to eight years old, is a crucial time for the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of children. Access to quality early childhood care and education (ECCE), therefore, can be vital in laying the foundations for children’s long-term development, well-being, learning, and health. Despite this, universal and equitable access to free, quality, and compulsory pre-primary education is one of the major education challenges. One out of two children does not receive pre-primary education.

European Committee of Social Rights: Statement on COVID-19 and social rights

The COVID-19 pandemic and the responses of States thereto have had a very significant impact on the enjoyment of a wide range of social rights. The Council of Europe’s European Social Charter provides a framework for the measures that must be taken by States Parties to cope with the pandemic as it unfolds. The treaty also provides a necessary framework for the post-pandemic social and economic recovery as well as for preparation for and responses to possible future crises of this nature.

Action towards increased quality education for internally displace children

Save the Children report front cover

At the end of 2019, at least 13.4 million school-age children (5-17 years old) were internally displaced due to conflict or violence. These numbers are likely an underestimate with many internally displaced children unaccounted for due to lack of data. The periods of internal displacement are becoming longer, with years becoming decades and internally displaced children spending the majority of their school-years displaced. The majority of these children do not have access to quality, safe and inclusive education due to discrimination, financial, legal, and insecurity barriers.

Human Right to education: horizons and meanings in the post-pandemic

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The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE, by its Spanish acronym) is a pluralistic network of civil society organizations with a presence in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes social mobilization and political advocacy to defend the human right to education. This collection of articles, essays and statements reflect on the vital role of public education in the region and the fault lines exposed by the pandemic, considering both the challenges public education in Latin America faces and possible solutions, alternatives and ways forward.

The impact of climate displacement on the right to education

UNESCO report cover: Climate displacement and right to education

In 2018, 17.2 million people were internally displaced as a result of natural disasters (IDMC 2019). Just one year later, in 2019, 24.9 million people were displaced due to natural disasters and extreme weather events (IDMC 2020). The catastrophic effects of climate change are no longer isolated emergencies, but have become the new global norm- a reality that is only intensifying each year. Yet the literature regarding climate change has little to no information on the specific nexus between climate displaced and their right to education.
