At What Age? …are school children employed, married and taken to court? (2nd Edition)
Child Marriage: Malawi
The government of Malawi should increase efforts to end widespread child and forced marriage, or risk worsening poverty, illiteracy, and preventable maternal deaths in the country.
According to government statistics, half of the girls in Malawi will be married by their 18th birthday, with some as young as age 9 or 10 being forced to marry. Malawi faces many economic challenges, but the rights of girls and women, including the right to education, should not be sacrificed as a result.
'I’ve Never Experienced Happiness’: Child Marriage in Malawi
Marrying Too Young - End Child Marriage
This report offers findings, analysis and recommendations to end child marriage, including through education.
CEDAW: General Recommendation 28
This General Recommendation by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women aims to clarify the scope and meaning of Article 2 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which provides ways for States parties to implement domestically the substantive provisions of the Convention.
See paragraphs 13, 21 and 36 for references to education.
Fighting Female Genital Mutilation: Girls’ Right to Education Versus Traditional Practices
Attaining primary and secondary school education for girls in Liberia remains a major challenge. Girls aged below 10 years are pulled out of formal education, by traditionalists, and forced to take part in traditional female initiation ceremonies in informal settings locally known as bush schools. As a consequence, nearly half of women in Liberia are illiterate, according to United Nations statistics.
Instruments Internationaux - Le droit à l’éducation des filles et des femmes
Ce document énumère les instruments internationaux - et les dispositions pertinentes - qui se réfèrent au droit à l'éducation des filles et des femmes.
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Stop Violence Against Girls in School: A cross-country analysis of change in Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique
This report is the culmination of five years’ implementation of ActionAid’s multi-country project aimed at empowering girls and enabling them to enjoy their rights to education and participation in a violence-free environment. The uniqueness of this project resides in the connection between research, community intervention and advocacy reinforced by a strong partnership approach.