Accroître l’alphabétisation juridique sur le droit à une éducation de base en Afrique du Sud

Le 15 février 2017, un partenariat des organisations de la société civile qui ont été impliqués dans des luttes fondées sur les droits pour accéder à une éducation de base de qualité lancera un Manuel sur les droits relatifs à l’éducation de base.

14 Février 2017

Out in the open: Education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression

Violence in schools and other educational settings is a worldwide problem. Students who are perceived not to conform to prevailing sexual and gender norms, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), are more vulnerable. Violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, also referred to as homophobic and transphobic violence, is a form of school-related gender-based violence.

Contrôler le droit à l'éducation des filles non-scolarisées en Tanzanie

La Tanzanie a l'un des taux de mariage d'enfants les plus élevés au monde. Selon le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population, 37% des filles sont déjà mariées lorsqu'elles atteignent l'âge de dix-huit ans. En Tanzanie, comme dans de nombreux autres pays, le mariage d'enfants marque la fin de l'éducation d'une fille. Les filles sont forcées d'abandonner l'école ou n'atteignent pas l'enseignement secondaire.

25 Juillet 2016

Alternative Report to the CRC: Segregating Education, Discriminating Against Girls: Privatisation and the Right to Education in Nepal in the Context of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction

Parallel Report submitted by the National Campaign for Education-Nepal, the Nepal National Teachers Association (NNTA), the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and other partners, including the Right to Education Project, on the occasion of the examination of the report of Nepal during the 72nd session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Shamed and Blamed: Pregnant Girls’ Rights at Risk in Sierra Leone

In April 2015 the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology issued a statement banning pregnant girls from mainstream education. The exclusion of pregnant girls from mainstream education and from sitting exams is a violation of their right to education and a discriminatory measure which reinforces negative stereotypes about girls. Enforcement of the ban was immediate and was done through searches and physical examination of girls.
