UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education and Article 13 & 14 of the ICESCR (Right to Education): A Comparative Analysis

The Joint Expert Group UNESCO (CR)/ECOSOC (CESCR) on Monitoring of the Right to Education in its Second Meeting in May 2004 stated that both the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the Convention against Discrimination in Education (CADE) needed to be carefully examined in a comparative perspective. This should be guided by the General Comments and the Revised Guidelines of CESCR used for monitoring work and the new guidelines for monitoring the implementation of CADE.

The Right to Education: Leaflet

As an integral part of UNESCO’s Constitutional mission for ensuring “full and equal opportunities for education for all”, the realisation of the Right to Education is one of the biggest developmental challenges, as millions of children and adults remain deprived of basic education in today’s learning societies.

This document is a short leaflet on the right to education.

Expert Consultation on the Operational Definition of Basic Education - Conclusions

The Expert Consultation on the Operational Definition of Basic Education, organised from 17 - 18 December 2007 at UNESCO, brought together eminent experts from different regions and further discussed a preliminary draft of operational definition that was initially proposed during the Experts’ Workshop on “Challenges and Perspectives of Law and Education” organised in Sao Paulo in December 2006.

Las Leyes Generales de Educación en América Latina – El Derecho como Proyecto Político

Campaña Latinoamericana y IIPE-UNESCO lanzan estudio sobre "Las Leyes Generales de Educación en América Latina - El derecho como proyecto político".

La investigación analiza en qué medida las leyes generales de educación vigentes en la región promueven la realización del derecho humano a la educación y la consolidación de los Estados como garantes de ese derecho.

Le droit de l'enfant à l'éducation - Outil pédagogique

Le droit à l’éducation est consacré par plusieurs instruments internationaux ainsi que par la Constitution belge. Il s’agit d’un droit fondamental encore trop souvent malmené. Que recouvre ce droit ? En quoi est-il important dans la vie d’un enfant ? Ce droit est-il respecté en pratique ? L’objectif de cette fiche est, tout d’abord, de rappeler l’importance du droit à l’éducation. Ensuite, nous verrons à quoi correspond ce droit et quelles sont les exigences requises pour le réaliser.
