Un mundo preparado para aprender: Dar prioridad a la educación preescolar de calidad

El primer informe mundial de UNICEF sobre la educación preescolar presenta un análisis exhaustivo de la situación de la educación en la primera infancia en todo el mundo. También proporciona un conjunto de recomendaciones prácticas para que los gobiernos y los asociados consigan que la educación preescolar de calidad sea universal y sistemática.

A world ready to learn: Prioritizing quality early childhood education

UNICEF’s first global report on pre-primary education presents a comprehensive analysis of the status of early childhood education worldwide. It also outlines a set of practical recommendations for governments and partners to make quality pre-primary education universal and routine. Noting that at least 175 million children – 50 per cent of the world’s pre-primary-age population – are not enrolled in pre-primary programmes, the report urges governments to commit at least 10 per cent of their national education budgets to scale them up.

The Promotion of Decent Work for Early childhood Education Personnel: the Professionalization of a Neglected Profession

Background paper for discussion at the 12th Session of the CEART (Paris, 20–24 April 2015). The increasing importance of early childhood development (ECD) and its ongoing evolution make even more essential the improvement in the one factor that most determines the quality of ECD services: their teachers, facilitators, caregivers, and other personnel who plan, manage and staff these services. Increasing their professionalism and status and making their working conditions more ‘decent’ therefore is an essential element of any comprehensive ECD policy and programme.

El Derecho a la Educación y al Cuidado en la Primera Infancia: Perspectivas desde América Latina y el Caribe

La investigación tiene como punto de partida la visión de los niños y las niñas como sujetos de derecho y la concreción de los derechos enunciados en la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) de la ONU, así como la promoción de un enfoque coordinado, integral y multisectorial de la primera infancia. Ratificando que la educación es un derecho humano fundamental desde el nacimiento, el estudio analiza los sentidos que se le otorgan a la atención y educación en la primera infancia (AEPI) en los marcos políticos y legislativos de América Latina y el Caribe.

The Employment Generation Impact of Meeting SDG Targets in Early Childhood Care, Education, Health and Long-Term Care in 45 Countries

Based on the analysis of 45 countries, which represent 85 per cent of global GDP and close to 60 per cent of the global population and workforce, this microeconomic simulation study provides an estimation of the employment generation in care sectors, including early childhood care and education, primary and secondary education, tertiary education, ill/patient care (short-term care) and long-term care for older persons and persons with disabilities.

Policies on Early Childhood Care and Education: Their Evolution and Some Impacts

This study presents some of the major drivers and challenges encountered in policy planning for early childhood care and education (ECCE), an analysis of the evolution of ECCE policy planning in all world regions from before 2000 to the present, and data regarding the current national and regional distribution of ECCE policies, strategic plans and laws. As of July 2014, at least 68 countries had adopted one or more of these ECCE policy instruments.

Moving Forward with ECCE. Post-2015 in the Asia Pacific Region: An Analysis of Global and National Policy Goals

This paper presents a thematic analysis of documents produced during a recent ‘Regional Policy Forum on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)’, attended by over 200 participants including representatives from key international donor organisations and high-level officials from over 30 countries across the Asia Pacific region.
