New beginnings: The right to equality and early childhood care and education
While South Africa has seen important advances in the provision of early childhood care and education (ECCE), about 3.2 million children still lack access to any programme. Problems of access and quality are most pronounced in the poorest communities. Even before Covid-19 forced many providers to close, these programmes were overcrowded, with poor infrastructure, and an under-paid and under-qualified workforce. ECCE is crucial for a child’s development, meaning that these inequalities are amplified in school and later life.
The right to equality in early childhood care and education: a precondition for the right to education
This blog highlights the key discussions from a panel session on ‘Strengthening laws, policy, and governance for early childhood care and education: Towards an equal and inclusive education’, organised by the Right to Education Initiative at the CIES Conference in February 2023
Inclusion, investment and strengthening legal framework: Key takeaways from the UNESCO World Conference and Declaration on ECCE
The second UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (WCECCE), held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from 14-16 November, was convened to mobilise countries and partners to reaffirm the right to ECCE and to urge Member States’ renewed commitment to and investment in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 4.2’.
RTE Statement on the Tashkent Declaration
'RTE welcomes the Tashkent Declaration’s call for an enhanced legal framework and increased public expenditure for ECCE' was written by RTE following the adoption of the ‘Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education at the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education.
Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education
Building and strengthening the legal framework on ECCE rights: Achievements, challenges and actions for change
Entrevista con Mercedes Mayol Lassalle, Presidenta Mundial de la OMEP
RTE Statement on the report of the outgoing UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education on early childhood care and education
The final report of outgoing UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Ms Koumbou Boly Barry, addressing the right to early childhood care and education (ECCE), highlights the wide ranging ‘developmental, educational, social, cultural and economic benefits’ of ECCE to children, their families and wider society, a
الرعاية والتعليم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة :تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بالحق في الاعليم كومبو بولي باري
ا هـــذا التا م ةلت الرمالـــق اللـــامـــق عماإل جا ا لي مرلس حاوق اإلنســ ـ ـ ــ ـ ـ ـ ـاي ُ .3/44 و 4/8 و التا م ، نظ الما لة اليا ــق الملنلق جالح التلللم، كومبو بول جالي، مســعلق ال عا ق والت بلق م حلق الطفولق المبك ة من منظول قائم علت حاوق اإلنســ ـ ـاي، مما لكس ااحتلاجات المتلدطة الاطاعات لألطفال ومادم ال عا ق لهم. و رمع ال عـا ـق والت بلـق م حلـق الطفولـق المبك ة بحن احتلـاجـات األطفـال من ال عـا ـق والت بلـق منـذ الواطة وحتت ســـن الثامنق.