A Threat or Opportunity? Public-Private Partnerships in Education in Uganda

This report assesses the PPP policy in education in Uganda and its compliance with the human rights standards as well as the right to education for all children. In addition, the report examines issues of regulation and supervision of PPP schools, equitable geographical access to education, access by vulnerable groups, financing and costeffectiveness, as well as quality of education and value for money.

A Threat or Opportunity? Public-Private Partnerships in Education in Uganda

This report assesses the PPP policy in education in Uganda and its compliance with the human rights standards as well as the right to education for all children. In addition, the report examines issues of regulation and supervision of PPP schools, equitable geographical access to education, access by vulnerable groups, financing and costeffectiveness, as well as quality of education and value for money.

Comment le règlement des acteurs privés peut-il assurer le droit à l'éducation dans le contexte post-2015?

Faire face à la croissance des acteurs privés dans l'éducation ne signifie pas seulement identifier des problèmes, mais aussi réfléchir à des solutions permettant aux acteurs privés de jouer un rôle positif.

30 Octobre 2015