Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education on Girls’ Right to Education

The present report focuses on girls’ right to education. In view of the first assessment of the Millennium Development Goals, the Special Rapporteur wished to focus on Goals 2 and 3, on universal primary education and gender equality. The Special Rapporteur addresses the sociocultural context of gender discrimination by defining the concept of patriarchalism, which underpins discriminatory behaviours.

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education: The right to education of persons with disabilities

This report considers the right of persons with disabilities to inclusive education. It recommends a series of legislative, policy and financial measures that need to be adopted in order to give effect to this right. It also identifies some of the obstacles that prevent the fulfilment of the right to inclusive education, as indicated in the responses submitted by various States and non-governmental organisations to a questionnaire, sent out by the Special Rapporteur, the purpose of which was to assess the degree to which international standards are being implemented in this area.

Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education: The Right to Education of Persons in Detention

Based on extensive evidence gathered from many different sources - detainees and civil society as well as governments and the international community - this report attempts to portray the reality for prisoners and charts the legal obligations that are neglected or often absent. Assessing the situation, the report proposes a set of strong recommendations.


Rapport du Rapporteur Spécial sur le droit à l'éducation : Financement de l'éducation et mise à jour sur l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence

Ce rapport est consacré à la question du financement national de l’éducation de base. Il passe en revue les obligations de financement de l’éducation des États en vertu des droits de l’homme et fournit des exemples concrets de cadres juridiques nationaux qui garantissent un financement national. Le rapport contient également une mise à jour sur l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence, conformément à la résolution 64/290 de l’Assemblée générale.

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education on Normative Action for Quality Education

This report examines national and international norms and standards, as well as policies regarding quality in education. The Special Rapporteur underscores the need to promote the adoption of norms at the national level establishing the right to quality education, consistent with the international legal human rights framework and relevant initiatives at the national, regional and international levels. In conclusion, the Special Rapporteur provides recommendations aimed at promoting quality education.

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education on Post-2015

This report was submitted to the General Assembly in September 2013. It highlights recent developments with respect to the post-2015 development agenda focusing on a rights-based approach to education. The Special Rapporteur provides perspectives on education goals with recommended implementation strategies. Considering education as the foundation of the post-2015 development agenda, the report presents the views and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on way to operationalize a rights-based approach to the education development goals.
