Le rôle crucial et les droits des enseignants: Rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur le droit à l’éducation, Farida Shaheed

Le présent rapport est soumis à l’Assemblée générale en application des résolutions 8/4 et 53/7 du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Dans le présent rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale sur le droit à l’éducation, Farida Shaheed, aborde le rôle crucial et les droits des enseignants, leur contribution à la pleine réalisation du droit à l’éducation et les difficultés qu’il y a à atteindre cet objectif.


Role and rights of teachers: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Farida Shaheed

The present report is submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 8/4 and 53/7. In the report, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Farida Shaheed, addresses the crucial role and rights of teachers, their contribution to the full realization of the right to education and the challenges that this presents.


ESPAÑOL     FRANÇAIS      العربية     

El papel crucial y los derechos del personal docente: Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación, Farida Shaheed

Este informe se presenta a la Asamblea General de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las resoluciones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos 8/4 y 53/7. En el informe, la Relatora Especial sobre el derecho a la educación, Farida Shaheed, aborda el papel crucial y los derechos del personal docente, su contribución a la plena realización del derecho a la educación y las dificultades que esto plantea.


* تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بالحق في التعليم، فريدة شهيد ضمان الحق في التعليم: أوجه التقدم والتحديات الحرجة

يق دم هذا التقرير الذي أعدته المقررة الخاصةة ةم الم نيم قالي لت الت يري لريدة ،ةة ةاسدي قمنا ةة ة م الذكرى السةة ةنويم الخامسةة ةم وال اةة ةرين ناةة ةاة الوحيم المت قم قالي لت الت يرة وتقدم المقررة الخاصةة ةم لت التت تيققت لت هذا المجالي وكيفيم لار الي لت الت ير واحلتزامات المترت م تقريرها ا ت ارضا لإلنجا ازت ع يهي لضةة ع عن القضةةايا الم اصةةرة والنا،ةةنم التت يت سن النجر لساا من أجف ضةةمان الي لت الت ير ل جمي ي لت الوقت الياضر ولت المستقبفة


RTE and GI-ESCR statement on the UN Special Rapporteur's report - Securing the right to education: advances and critical challenges (A/HRC/53/27)

This written statement was submitted by GI-ESCR and RTE during the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. It was submitted in relation to the presentation of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education: Securing the right to education: advances and critical challenges (A/HRC/53/27).

Right to Education Initiative’s contribution to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education’s report on the right to education, advances and challenges

This documented was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education in February 2023, in response to a call for contributions for a report she is developing for the UN Human Rights Council.

The right to equality in early childhood care and education: a precondition for the right to education

This blog highlights the key discussions from a panel session on ‘Strengthening laws, policy, and governance for early childhood care and education: Towards an equal and inclusive education’, organised by the Right to Education Initiative at the CIES Conference in February 2023


30 Mars 2023

Progress report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Katarina Tomasevski

In her progress report, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education notes difficulties in the carrying out of her mandate which originate in inadequate servicing by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and also points out an innovative facet she has introduced, follow-up to her country missions, following the Commission’s emphasis on promoting the right to education.



