Rapport alternatif sur la privatisation de l'éducation au Maroc soumis au groupe de pré-session du Comité des Droits Economiques Sociaux et Culturels

Rapport alternatif soumis par la Coalition Marocaine pour l'Education pour Tous, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights et d'autres au au groupe de pré-session du Comité des Droits Economiques Sociaux et Culturels de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à l’occasion de sa considération d’une liste de questions au Maroc lors de la 55e session du comité. Le rapport porte sur la question de la privatisation de l'éducation au Maroc.

Alternative Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights about Privatisation in Education in Uganda

Alternative Report submitted by ISER-Uganda and the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, with the support of the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative, the Right to Education Project, Education International, the Global Campaign for Education, the Africa Network Campaign on Education For All, Forum for Education NGO's in Uganda and the Girls Education Movement Uganda Chapter to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its 54th Session for its consideration of the List of Issues for Uganda.

Report on the Consequences of Privatisation in Chile

Alternative report submitted in November 2014 to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) at its 54th Session for its consideration of the List of Issues for Chile. The report calls on UN human rights experts to question the government of Chile about the human rights violations resulting from its privatised education system.


