CRC General comment No. 26 on children’s rights and the environment, with a special focus on climate change

In this general comment, the Committee on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the urgent need to address the adverse effects of environmental degradation, with a special focus on climate change, on the enjoyment of children’s rights, and clarifies the obligations of States to address environmental harm and climate change. The Committee also explains how children’s rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child apply to environmental protection, and confirms that children have a right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.


CRC and CMW Joint general comment No. 4 and No. 23 on State obligations regarding the human rights of children in the context of international migration in countries of origin, transit, destination and return

This joint general comment 4 and 23 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families recalls the State obligations regarding the protection of children in contexte of international migration. Paragraph 59 to 63 refer to the State obligations to ensure the right to education.

CRC and CMW Joint general comment No. 3 and No. 22 on the general principles regarding the human rights of children in the context of international migration

This joint general comment 3 and 22 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families recalls the importance of protection children in contexte of international migration. Paragraph 18 and 32 refer to the right to education.



CRC, CESCR and CEDAW statements on private education September 2014 – November 2017

This paper highlights key concluding observations adopted between September 2014 and November 2017 by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), the UN Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) regarding the role of private actors in education in Ghana, Chile, Morocco, Uganda, Kenya, Philippines and Brazil.

Comité des droits de l'enfant - Observation générale No.6: Traitement des enfants non-accompagnés et des enfants séparés en dehors de leur pays d'origine

Cette Observation générale 6 du Comité des droits de l'enfant interprète la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant en ce qui concerne le traitement des enfants non accompagnés et séparés en dehors de leur pays d'origine. Les paragraphes 41 à 43 et 63 et 90 font référence au droit à l'éducation. 

