Ce rapport se concentre sur l'objectif d'Education des premières années, qui a pour principal enjeu d'encourager les Etats à mettre en place des mesures et des moyens pour élargir l'accès à l'Education et protection de la petite enfance, en se fondant sur une approche holistique, qui prend en considération les soins, la santé, la nutrition et bien sur l'éducation. 



Based on the analysis of 45 countries, which represent 85 per cent of global GDP and close to 60 per cent of the global population and workforce, this microeconomic simulation study provides an estimation of the employment generation in care sectors, including early childhood care and education, primary and secondary education, tertiary education, ill/patient care (short-term care) and long-term care for older persons and persons with disabilities. By estimating levels of required expenditure, the potential expansion of employment in education and health and social work is considered under a high road scenario and a status quo scenario. The status quo scenario is developed to keep the current coverage rates, quality standards and working conditions constant, based on the idea that there would be no change in the policy environment. On the other hand, the high road scenario builds on relevant targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 4 on quality education, among others.


The 2007 UNESCO Education for All Monitoring Report focuses on the first Education for All goal, which calls upon countries to expand and improve early childhood care and education – in the form of a holistic package encompassing care, health and nutrition in addition to education.


Background paper for discussion at the 12th Session of the CEART (Paris, 20–24 April 2015). The increasing importance of early childhood development (ECD) and its ongoing evolution make even more essential the improvement in the one factor that most determines the quality of ECD services: their teachers, facilitators, caregivers, and other personnel who plan, manage and staff these services. Increasing their professionalism and status and making their working conditions more ‘decent’ therefore is an essential element of any comprehensive ECD policy and programme.


La investigación tiene como punto de partida la visión de los niños y las niñas como sujetos de derecho y la concreción de los derechos enunciados en la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) de la ONU, así como la promoción de un enfoque coordinado, integral y multisectorial de la primera infancia. Ratificando que la educación es un derecho humano fundamental desde el nacimiento, el estudio analiza los sentidos que se le otorgan a la atención y educación en la primera infancia (AEPI) en los marcos políticos y legislativos de América Latina y el Caribe.



This document is the executive summary of the study on the right to education and care in early childhood: perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean. The study focused on the analysis of national legislations and public policies in force (particularly general education laws) in 10 countries of the region (Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia) and shares understandings of existing early childhood education policies and legislation, as well as financing and justiciability processes, identifying progress and also challenges involved in the realisation of the human right to education of young children. At the same time, it seeks to understand how the principles and purpose of education enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its associated General Comments, appear in those education public policies and legislations.


El primer informe mundial de UNICEF sobre la educación preescolar presenta un análisis exhaustivo de la situación de la educación en la primera infancia en todo el mundo. También proporciona un conjunto de recomendaciones prácticas para que los gobiernos y los asociados consigan que la educación preescolar de calidad sea universal y sistemática. Al observar que al menos 175 millones de niños –el 50% de la población en edad preescolar– no participan en ningún programa de educación preescolar, el informe hace un llamamiento a los gobiernos para que asignen el 10% de su presupuesto nacional de educación a la ampliación de estos programas. Los fondos deberían invertirse en el apoyo a los docentes, el establecimiento de normas de calidad y la ampliación equitativa, dice el informe.


